Low-code and No-code: Simplifying Software Development

Low-code and No-code: Simplifying Software Development

February 29, 2024

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For decades, there were only two possible ways to develop applications: buy them from an external supplier or create them from scratch with the support of qualified programmers. In recent years, however, we have witnessed a silent revolution in the world of software development that has changed our range of options: the emergence of low-code and no-code (LCNC) platforms, also known as no-code programming.


What is Low-code and No-code?

Little or no knowledge to create – that’s the motto of low-code and no-code. In a nutshell, low-code and no-code are software development platforms that minimise (or even eliminate) the need to write code manually. These platforms can be seen as a digital movement or philosophy that allows anyone to create applications without programming knowledge, making the whole development process more accessible, faster and efficient.


Low-code vs. No-code

Both platforms lead to the same destination: the simplification of the software development process. However, the main difference between the two is the user’s programming knowledge.

Low-code allows applications to be created using intuitive, integrated tools – visual interfaces, basic logic and pre-made drag-and-drop elements – leaving behind the worry of complex programming languages. Even so, these platforms require basic programming skills.

No-code, on the other hand, goes further. These platforms don’t require any programming knowledge, allowing you to develop applications without writing a single line of code.


4 Benefits of Low-code and No-code

Although traditional programming remains a key to digital transformation, access to software development using non-specialised resources offers several advantages. Here are the 4 main benefits:

1. Agile development: With low-code and no-code, software development becomes agile, allowing teams of developers to respond quickly to business requirements and market demand. The visual interfaces of these platforms simplify the design and development process, enabling rapid iterations and short feedback cycles.

2. Efficiency: These platforms increase the efficiency of software development, reducing the time and resources needed to create and implement applications. With the ability to reuse components and automate processes, developers can speed up the development process and reduce the associated costs.

3. Ease of use: As applications are not created from scratch, development is simplified on a large scale. With the intuitive tools integrated into these platforms, users with different skill levels can participate in the software development process.

4. Cost reduction: By eliminating the need to hire highly skilled programmers and reducing the time required for software development and implementation, companies can significantly save on costs.


Low-code and No-code applications

In the IT world, low-code and no-code platforms can be used in a variety of domains thanks to their versatility and ease of use. Some of the common applications include:

Enterprise Applications

Low-code and no-code platforms are often used to create a wide range of business applications, including customer relationship management (CRM) systems, human resource management systems (HRMS), and supply chain management (SCM) software.

Internal tools and portals

Low-code and no-code platforms are used to create internal tools and portals to streamline tasks such as project management, document management, employee onboarding, and collaboration platforms.

Process automation

These platforms are ideal for automating repetitive tasks and optimising business processes, allowing companies to optimise workflows, reduce human error and increase operational efficiency.

Mobile & Web applications

Low-code and no-code platforms support the development of mobile applications on iOS and Android platforms, as well as web development. Whether for mobile or web, companies use these platforms to create customer-orientated applications, productivity tools for employees, as well as forms for data collection.


In conclusion

Low-code and no-code are significantly simplifying software development. With the ability to develop applications quickly, automate processes, and respond to market changes in an agile way, these platforms are driving innovation and digital transformation like never before.

Even so, it is crucial to consider the challenges associated with using these platforms. The scalability and complexity of the solutions can be limited, and it may be necessary to resort to traditional programming to meet more advanced requirements.


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